Phoenix/Elixir stuffs

Phoenix/Elixir stuffs

Test only

If you want to run only one or few test cases we can "tag" each of them and will execute only the tagged ones. Using the following command:

$ mix test --only only

where only is a the tag name, will execute every test that has:

@tag :only

before the start of the test.

Mix alias

I'm fluent in JavaScript and my main tool is npm, so mix is basically the npm for elixir. So in JavaScript I'm used to run custom scripts with npm like this:

$ npm run test-w

We can do the same in elixir/phoenix using mix, in the mix.exs file we can define project aliases:

def project do
    aliases: aliases()

defp aliases do
    test_only: ["cmd mix test --only only"]

You can concat the commands you want in the array of the right side (["cmd mix test --only only"]) next to the name of the alias (test_only). One important thing here is that if you want to run command with mix first you need to include the cmd word.

VSCode ElixirLS config formatter

If you're using vscode when coding elixir and you want to get the most value from your editor, first thing to install is the extension called "ElixirLS". If you have a formatter setup for your project best thing to do is configure that you code will be format every time your file is saved in your vscode settings.json file:

  // only for elixir code
  "[elixir]": {
      "editor.defaultFormatter": "JakeBecker.elixir-ls",
      "editor.formatOnSave": true


Add indexes

defmodule Project.Repo.Migrations.AddIndex do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create index(:movements, [:account_id, :another_field])


  Enum.sort_by(list, & &1["property"]) # asc by default

Locking DB with Ecto

Sometimes race conditions happens -> differents ways to solve them

Ecto connection errors